Mifram Security has developed a security barrier that allows users to build vehicle blockers in minutes without the need for heavy machinery or a crew of people. MVB-3X only weighs 53 lbs per unit and connects to other units without the need for tools. Each MVB-3X unit is foldable for easy storage and can be adjusted to fit the users’ needs. The lightweight vehicle barrier can stop a 7.5-ton truck and can be moved to allow vehicles to pass with ease. Learn more at miframsecurity.com

Transcript: Portable vehicle barrier. Mifram Security developed a lightweight barrier that can stop a 7.5-ton truck. The MVB-3X only weighs 53 lbs per unit and units can be connected. The barriers can be long or short and fold for easy storing. There is no need for tools and a single person can install. MVB-3X barriers can be easily moved with a lever.



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