Coyote has a bad day — and a 20-mile car ride

Don't be alarmed, it's not as bad as it looks

UPDATE: The linked Facebook video has been removed.

Georgie Knox of Airdrie, Alberta, was driving to work Saturday when a coyote darted in front of her car and she hit it. "I heard a crunch and believed I ran over and killed it," she wrote on Facebook.

But 30 minutes and 20 miles down the road, a construction worker pointed out that the critter was still very much alive, and trapped. "When I got out to look, this poor little guy was looking up and blinking at me."

Don't worry. This has a happy ending. Alberta Fish and Wildlife officials were called and freed the animal. And though the photo is startling to look at, the worst injury was to his pride. (Ignore that puddle behind him. It's not what you think it is.)

Game wardens were able to release him back into the wilderness of Alberta, and here's hoping the experience has made him more wily.

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