Photo shows toddler's delight about being rescued by firefighters

Sometimes it's fun to be the center of attention, especially when you're a toddler. And when you're a toddler and firetrucks and firefighters are involved, it can be pure giggles, as this photo shows.

Last week, 14-month-old Brandon Emery was sitting in mom Kirsty Green's car in Bude, England, while she loaded groceries into the trunk - and closed the trunk lid with the keys inside. Then, Brandon hit the door-lock button. So that was some good fun, right there.

Fortunately, it was not a hot day, so Brandon was in no danger. After Kirsty had a moment of panic, five firefighters arrived - to Brandon's great delight. He climbed in the driver's seat, gripping the wheel and grinning at his rescuers.

The firefighters "were amazing, and I think just as much as they were keeping Brandon entertained, he was equally making them laugh," Kirsty told British news service SWNS.

The firefighters tried to pop the lock with a Slim Jim or similar tool, but when they saw the boy put a coin in his mouth, they feared he could choke and decided to break a rear window.

"Thank you to the amazing guys who rescued my cheeky monkey after locking himself in the car today at Bude Lidl! He was clearly traumatised by the whole ordeal," Kirsty said in a Facebook post accompanied by the photo.

"It was just brilliant how unfazed he was by the whole thing, really,'' firefighter Matthew Wonnacott told SWNS. "He seemed very entertained by the fact that there was a whole group of strangers staring into his mum's car."

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