Couple tries to blame drunk driving crash on imaginary black man

A couple from Elyria, OH, are in jail today after causing a crash while drunk and then attempting to blame the whole thing on an imaginary black man.

According to WKYC, Heather Wilsey and her attorney friend Kenneth Lewis were drinking at the Train Station Bar in Elyria, a town about thirty miles from Cleveland, OH, on the evening of November 17. Eventually, the two left the Train Station, but they didn't get more than a mile from the bar when they crashed near the corner of Fourth Street and East Avenue. When the Elyria PD got to the scene, Wilsey told them that an unidentified black guy was driving the car when he lost control and crashed, then he fled the scene in an unknown direction.

The EPD immediately smelled a rat. To begin with, according to one of the responding officers, Wilsey was so drunk that she couldn't maintain her balance, her eyes were red and glassy, and her speech was heavily slurred. Then, a cursory search for the mysterious driver–described by Wilsey as a black male wearing a red ball cap, dark shirt, and camo shorts–turned up nothing and neither suspect could give a good explanation of the mystery driver was or where he'd gone. Elyria PD finally got their hands on surveillance footage from the Train Station and the jig was up.

Video from the bar revealed that Wilsey and Lewis stumbled out of the bar alone, got into the car–with Wilsey behind the wheel, and drove off. No mysterious black dude anywhere in the vicinity.

"They were charged with obstructing because quite frankly they weren't truthful with police officers. They made up this fictitious account that this black male subject was driving and that he had fled when it's pretty evident that that wasn't true," Cpt. Chris Costantino told Fox 8.

For their troubles, Wilsey and Lewis got ten days in county for obstruction and instant national notoriety as their story spread around the internet. Wilsey is also facing charges for drunk driving.

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