Open Road

Want to write about cars on Autoblog? Register for Open Road

We Want Your Stories On Our Site

We know there are other voices out there with ideas and opinions about the automotive landscape just waiting to be discovered and heard. That's why we're opening up our contributor network to anyone who wants to apply. What's in it for you? Your work will be accessible to our millions of readers, so you'll get exposure if you're doing it as a hobby on the side or to try and start a writing career. And if a post you write performs well, we'll pay you. Here's what you need to know.

Step 1: Apply
Tell us about yourself. What's your background? What topics interest you? What kinds of posts are you looking to share? If we like what we read, we'll get you set up and registered. Go here to start the process.

Step 2: Write
You can choose just about any topic as long as it's car-related. Just finish a particularly crazy road trip? Have a DIY tip to share? Want to tell people about a weird used-car buying experience? Have an opinion about the latest industry news? Whatever's on your mind, we want you to share it.

Step 3: Profit
Any post that hits 10,000 page views within 30 days of being published will earn the writer $50. It's that simple. And there's no limit to how many posts you can submit. Remember, though, quality is going to get you paid, not just quantity.

Interested? Apply today and we'll get the ball rolling. We're really excited about this and can't wait to see what you come up with.

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