Woman says praying behind the wheel caused crash

A woman in Ohio told a judge that she took the advice to let Jesus take the wheel a little too seriously and was praying while driving when she caused a serious crash last year that sent another woman to the hospital.

The incident occurred in downtown Bellevue, Ohio, in August 2014. Pamela Beckham was loading her grandchildren into the car in front of the public library when a car driven by Marilyn Perry hit her from behind. Beckham bounced off the windshield of Perry's car. She was seriously injured with a broken neck and several broken bones.

Witnesses say Perry was driving erratically before the crash. Police thought she was on her cellphone, or maybe under the influence, but her cellphone records and blood tests came back clean. Still, police decided to charge her with vehicular assault. In court this week, Perry told a judge that the crash happened when she was experiencing a difficult time in her life. She admitted she had bowed her head to pray about it while behind the wheel.

"I don't believe that for a second," Beckham's husband Darl Beckham told Fox 8. "Because church-going people are better people than that. For one, they would have made some sort of attempt to at least see if she was okay, or something; they never have."

Perry will attend an intervention program and be placed on probation for three years. She will also need to pay $10,000 to the Beckhams to help with medicals bills.

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