
Nissan Leaf races Tesla Roadster at Sportsland

Give Nissan some credit, here: the company is proudly publicizing coming in second.

The Japanese automaker entered a souped-up Nissan Leaf in an all-electric-vehicle race at Japan's Sportsland Sugo earlier this month, with hopes of knocking off proverbial favorite Tesla in the 50-kilometer race.

The Nissan Leaf Nismo RC was customized with a groovy, sleeker body as well as having its motor shifter around to make the car rear-wheel drive. The battery pack was moved to the middle for better handling. Additionally, Nissan added more crumple zones and automatic electric-power shut-down capabilities the event that the car got munched.

The good news as that the car didn't. The bad news is that it finished second to a Tesla Roadster.

"Tesla's speed on the straights was much more impressive than we anticipated," driver Tsugio Matsuda said (in translation). The racer did look like he enjoyed the challenge, though, as you can see in Nissan's six-minute video below.

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