Video starting own car company in Los Angeles

If the guy who invented Paypal can start his own car company, than why can't the lead singer of the Black Eyed Peas? The one and only has decided to throw his hat into the carmaking ring with a new company that he is calling IAMAUTO.

So far, we have only one photo of the coupe (above), which looks a bit like a 1980s Maserati and Doc Brown's time machine had a love child. stopped by The Tonight Show to officially discuss the vehicle – a good idea since Jay Leno seems to have a bit of pull with the enthusiast. The singer-turned-would-be-auto-tycoon tells Leno that the vehicle is built with Chrysler bits (likely a Dodge Challenger), and the tunes will be special, of course, with Beats By Dre supplying the hardware. The artist is building the vehicle in Los Angeles in an effort to spur job growth in the region.

Hit the jump to watch talk cars with Leno. The video starts with a musical number, but we suggest fast-forwarding to 3:40 to the interview.

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