Make Good on Your New Year's Resolution: Ways to Save on Auto Insurance Rates

With the new year right around the corner, many of us are dreading the credit card bills that can hit us hard after the holiday season. While there may be many resolutions you aspire to achieve in the coming year, one you can do easily is save money on your auto insurance without adding risk to your everyday life.

At this time of year, expenses are at their highest for most people, which forces them to be more thrifty in their everyday life. For many drivers, they turn to their auto insurance policy to cut corners. Lowering coverage or selecting only liability are definitely effective in lowering the price of an auto policy, but they also limit the driver should there ever be an incident. Luckily, these are not the only ways to save money on your auto insurance rates.

The majority of drivers are unaware of the numerous auto insurance discounts that are available to them when it comes to their auto policy. By doing some research and asking your auto insurer, you can start off the new year on the right foot and get cracking on that save money resolution for this year:

  • One popular way to save money is by combining an auto and home policy with the same insurance carrier. This typically results in up to a 5-12% total savings on the policy while also making it more convenient for the insured by having all of their information in one location.

  • Other common insurance discounts can be applied if the insured is willing to: pay in full, list multiple cars on the policy, or by having low mileage on their vehicle. These factors typically result in a discount of up to 5-10%.

  • An increasing amount of carriers are now also giving discounts for drivers who choose to shop for insurance early. Insurance companies believe that drivers who apply early are more responsible and more likely to make payments on time. These drivers are rewarded with up to a 5-10% discount depending on the date which they apply for insurance. To receive this discount, drivers must commit to a policy at least seven days before the effective date, depending on the carrier.

  • Going green can also save you some green! Many carriers, including Progressive, offer discounts of up to 3% for those that are willing to go paperless. This saves trees and money, so whats not to love about this discount? AAA or motor club members are also eligible for a discount, which varies by carrier but is roughly 5%.

  • Have a child that is away at school? If they are listed on their parents insurance, their policy may qualify for the student away at school discount. Full time students can also help their parents save money by maintaining a GPA of 3.0. Both situations allow for up to a 5-10% discount to be applied to the policy.

During this time of year, finances are especially tight for many drivers; however, utilizing these tips will help you ring in the New Year by saving on your auto policy! By asking your agent about these auto insurance discounts, you will be on your way to successfully completing one resolution!

This content is made available by AutoBlog's partner, MyLifeProtected. Copyright 2009-2016 MassDrive Insurance Group, LLC.

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