By The Numbers

December 2011: Same As It Ever Was Edition [UPDATE]

The December sales numbers are in, most of them anyway, and what we're seeing is an end to the year that largely mirrors the months that came before.
Our usual players are at the top of the list in green, including Chrysler, which lead all brands last month with an 82.56-percent increase in monthly sales to end the year. Credit goes to the redesigned 200 sedan, which sold over 760% more units in December than the Sebring did the year before, and the redesigned 300, which itself enjoyed a 242% increase in sales.

Not far behind are other brands that have been performing well all year long, like Kia with a 42.52-percent gain in sales (the Soul eclipsed the 100,000 annual sales mark in December by selling 9,624 units), and Volkswagen with a 36.18-percent jump.

Last month we also witnessed the last few gasps of breath for Saab, which packed it in by selling just 270 units in December. Other brands that have been operating in the red band of our spectrum all year long finished much the same way. Toyota barely eeked out more sales than the year before with a slight 1.9-percent gain, while its luxury division Lexus, as well as Honda and Acura, were all behind their 2010 numbers.

UPDATE: All brands and companies are now included.

Brand/Company Vol% Dec. 2011 Dec. 2010 DSR*% Dec. 2011 Dec. 2010
Chrysler 82.56 23,974 13,132 82.56 888 486
Kia 42.52 43,390 30,444 42.52 1,607 1,128
Jeep 40.98 43,577 30,910 40.98 1,614 1,145
Volkswagen 36.18 32,502 23,867 36.18 1,204 884
Land Rover 28.36 4,743 3,695 28.36 176 137
Dodge 28.27 41,548 32,390 28.27 1,539 1,200
Mini 27.31 5,500 4,320 27.31 204 160
Subaru 26.25 33,701 26,694 26.25 1,248 989
Mercedes-Benz 26.23 27,100 21,469 26.23 1,004 795
Smart 22.81 700 570 22.81 26 21
Audi 20.00 12,655 10,546 20.00 469 391
Ford 15.59 201,737 174,523 15.59 7,472 6,464
BMW 14.69 26,700 23,280 14.69 989 862
Hyundai 13.31 50,765 44,802 13.31 1,880 1,659
Volvo 12.32 5,342 4,756 12.32 198 176
Nissan 10.72 89,937 81,228 10.72 3,331 3,008
Ram 9.58 26,595 24,270 9.58 985 899
Chevrolet 8.92 161,158 147,960 8.92 5,969 5,480
Lincoln 4.26 8,403 8,060 4.26 311 299
Mazda 4.07 22,353 21,479 4.07 828 796
Mitsubishi 3.24 5,032 4,874 3.24 186 181
Toyota 1.90 152,776 149,928 1.90 5,658 5,553
GMC -0.47 41,960 42,159 -0.47 1,554 1,561
Cadillac -2.75 16,259 16,718 -2.75 602 619
Suzuki -3.06 2,566 2,647 -3.06 95 98
Jaguar -3.64 1,137 1,180 -3.64 42 44
Lexus -8.00 25,355 27,560 -8.00 939 1,021
Infiniti -12.09 10,990 12,502 -12.09 407 463
Buick -12.41 14,974 17,095 -12.41 555 633
Acura -15.24 13,129 15,489 -15.24 486 574
Honda -19.30 92,101 114,127 -19.30 3,411 4,227
Porsche -28.55 1,834 2,567 -28.55 68 95
Saab -74.86 270 1,074 -74.86 10 40
Fiat NA 2,325 0 NA 86 0
Chrysler Group 37.06 138,019 100,702 37.06 5,112 3,730
BMW Group 16.59 32,230 27,643 16.59 1,194 1,024
Jag Land Rover 20.62 5,880 4,875 20.62 218 181
Ford Mo Co 10.03 210,140 190,976 10.03 7,783 7,073
Nissan NA 7.68 100,927 93,730 7.68 3,738 3,471
General Motors 4.65 234,351 223,932 4.65 8,680 8,294
Toyota Mo Co 0.36 178,131 177,488 0.36 6,597 6,574
American Honda -18.81 105,230 129,616 -18.81 3,897 4,801
*Brands and companies are displayed in descending order according to their percentage change in volume sales. There were 27 selling days in December 2011 and 27 selling days in December 2010, so the change in monthly sales volume will be the same as the change in average daily sales rate (DSR) for each brand/company.

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