Pioneer Bringing Siri-Like Control To Vehicles

The issue with most voice-recognition systems in modern cars is the stilted, unnatural commands required to execute even the simplest functions. Cadillac is trying to improve on the status-quo with its more natural voice commands to market with its CUE system in 2012. But Pioneer and its new Zypr voice-to-cloud platform aims to take improvements a step further.

Utilizing a tethered smartphone or embedded modem, the new system listens and acts on commands based on conversational direction. Say, "Play some music" and Zypr responses with "Which artist?" or "Which source?" Tell the system "I'm in the mood for Thai" and it will list off the nearest restaurants, provide Yelp ratings and allow you to get directions and email the address to your friends. Facebook and Google integration is also part of the package. Andcsince it's all handled in the cloud, the expansion of sources and options is infinite. And Zypr won't just be limited to cars.

Pioneer wants the technology to find its way into every consumer electronics device on the market (for obvious licensing reasons), and with Apple's Siri functionality on the iPhone 4S putting a new emphasis on natural speech recognition, consumers will be demanding similar tech in almost everything they own within the next few years.

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