
Sand hill climb accident is the longest, most deliberate crash ever

If you've ever found yourself in a vehicle accident, chances are it felt like all of the crashing and banging lasted forever. The human mind has a nasty habit of prolonging the unpleasant even when actual events take just a few seconds. That's not the case with the crash in the video after the jump. A driver at the Tal Mireb sand hill climb in the United Arab Emirates lost control of his racer while near the top of the course and wound up slowly and painfully rolling his way back down the dunes one flip at a time.

Despite the racer's roll cage succumbing frighteningly to multiple, repeated impacts, the driver apparently managed to walk away from the disaster with nothing more than a bruised ego and a bashed hill climb vehicle. That's what we call very, very lucky. Hit the jump to check out the protracted and cringeworthy crash for yourself.

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