Report: Global Nissan Leaf sales top 10,100

While unveiling Nissan's China growth strategy in Beijing, Nissan chief executive officer, Carlos Ghosn, stated:
We see a clear need for cars that are affordable, practical, spacious and zero emission. Nissan is clearly the global leader in zero emission mobility, now with more than 10,100 electric Nissan Leaf vehicles already sold worldwide.
So, 10,100 it is. That number is impressive, and we wonder when it was calculated. At the end of June, Nissan has sold just under 4,000 in the U.S. and was moving over 1,500 units a month. Our guesstimate says that at least 4,400 of those 10,100 Nissan Leafs were sold here in the States. Some additional digging reveals that more than 5,400 Leafs have been sold in Japan, leaving only a few hundred electric hatchbacks for other countries. Those leftovers mostly went mainly to buyers in Europe. What say you? Is 10,100 an impressive number? Were you expecting more? Less? Let us know by dropping a comment below.

[Source: Hybrid Cars]

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