Justin Bieber's Anti-Texting While Driving Campaign

A pop star's quest to keep roads safe

Teen heartthrob Justin Bieber is pairing with Phone Guard to promote responsible texting through the company's Drive Safe software application.

The 17-year-old, whose singing voice is sometimes mistaken for a girl's, is lending his name to the cause that is working to prevent about 5,500 traffic fatalities annually. Ironically, Bieber has been the subject of Internet rumors reporting his own demise in a car accident.

To the relief of millions of 11-year-olds around the country, he is still alive. And apparently worried about texting while driving.

"As a 17-year-old driver, I am aware of the countless distractions that we teenagers face on the road, and texting is one that is preventable," Bieber said.

Drive Safe disables the text and email capabilities of a phone while a vehicle is going over 10 miles an hour. The anti-distracted driving push comes in tandem with the Remember Alex Brown Foundation, an organization that honors a teen who died while texting and driving.

Bieber owns a stake in Options Media Group Holdings, the tech company based in Boca Raton that distributes the Phone Guard system.

The issue of distracted driving is especially pertinent given the speeds at which the young pop star is capable of traveling: Bieber's own ride of choice is a Lamborghini, gifted to him on his sixteenth birthday by Diddy.

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