
GM once again mulling sale of Opel?

The rumormill is churning at full steam over whispers that General Motors is once again considering selling Opel. According to Reuters, two German magazines have reported similar tales without citing any sources, saying that GM is concerned that Opel won't be able to return to profitability anytime soon. The General hasn't commented on the situation publicly, but called the talk speculation in a letter to its employees. That comes after Dan Akerson, CEO of GM, said that Opel is continuing to bleed cash despite selling more vehicles than before.

The murky reports of Opel's sale claim that the automaker could go to a number of potential buyers. Those include the usual suspects like any one of a multitude of unnamed Chinese automakers or more curiously, Volkswagen. The logic behind a VW purchase of Opel is based on the fact that the people's automaker has fat stacks of cash on hand and an unwavering thirst to be the world's largest automaker. Reuters reports that Volkswagen refused to comment on the situation.

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