Tron light cycle contest declares winners

SideQuesting Tron Light Cycle Design Contest – Click above for high-res image gallery is a website focused on discussions about video games that decided to host a competition to see who among its readership could draw up the best Tron Light Cycle. The entries were received and the results are... well, they're pretty amazing.

Two winners were chosen, one from the United States and an International representative. John A. Frye took home the top spot among American artists with an appropriately American interpretation of a futuristic bike, while Raphael Laurent of Switzerland won the international prize. Each winner received a copy of the Art of Tron Legacy book and two Light Cycle toys.

We've assembled a gallery of the top eight submissions, but we think you should still go ahead and take a stroll through all of the submissions at A variety of concepts are on display, and they range from jaw-dropping renders to beautiful hand-drawn sketches.


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