Automobile documents presidential limo build for Pinewood Derby

The Pinewood Derby is a right of passage and an American institution. First run in 1953 in Manhattan Beach, California, the Pinewood Derby can help ignite fiery automotive passion in young men across the country. Automobile's Joe Lorio recently put together a derby project car with his son and the results are impressive. The car they chose to model their own after? The presidential limousine.

After a three-year losing streak, the Lorios aimed not for first place, but rather the prizes awarded for creativity. Not only did they successfully recreate the limousine, they added sound by ripping the noise-making components out of an audio greeting card and sticking them to the bottom of the pinewood limo.

Joe and his son managed to eke out third-place finishes in each of their races with the limousine. Bigger victories, however, came in the form of the Most Original and People's Choice awards they received for their efforts. Read the whole story at

[Source: Automobile Magazine]

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