EGO makes your submarine dreams a reality [video]

Personal mobility had come a long way in the last few decades, but one area that's been – rather predictably – left out is underwater transport. South Korea's Raonhaje wants to change that with the introduction of the EGO submarine.

Due to go on sale this October, the electric submarine is motivated by a bank of 12 eight-volt deep-cycle marine batteries and a pair of two-kilowatt motors that can propel the EGO at its maximum speed of four knots for up to four hours. If you're slightly lighter on the throttle, you can get about eight hours of underwater fun from the sub, and according to the company, the EGO is incredibly easy to operate. Rather than rely on the traditional – and complicated – marine controls, there's a steering wheel, foot-pedal and toggle switches. Visibility should thanks to the acrylic windows that cover the sides and front, along with a set of cameras that display what's below and topside on an LCD screen in the cabin. Pricing hasn't been announced, but Raonhaje expects to sell the EGO to tropical resorts and wealthy privateers.

[Source: Raonhaje]

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