Study: New York, Los Angeles to lead U.S. in plug-in vehicle sales

Forecasting the future of the plug-in vehicle segment is not an exact science, but countless firms, including Pike Research, strive to provide accurate predictions. Recently, Pike constructed a model for plug-in vehicles sales broken down by individual states and metropolitan statistical areas.

Overall, Pike predicts that sales of plug-in vehicles will hit a nationwide total of 358,959 per year by 2017 and that California, New York and Florida will lead the nation in the plug-in charge. According to its data, those States will account for 366,099, 146,242 and 101,530 cumulative plug-in vehicle sales between 2011 and 2017, respectively.

In regards to metropolitan areas, Pike projects that the New York City and Los Angeles areas will point the way forward with 116,718 and 96,175 plug-in vehicles roaming the roads of each region, respectively, by 2017. California, with six major metropolitan areas projected to be ranked within the top ten MSAs in the nation, will (if Pike's forecast turns out to be true) dominate the drive to adopt plug-in vehicles.

A summary of Pike Research's Electric Vehicle Geographic Forecasts report can be viewed by clicking here (pdf).

[Source: Pike Research (pdf)]

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