Rumormill: Production started on Top Gear China

This didn't take long. Word on the web is that the minds behind Top Gear are moving to produce a version of the show just for The People's Republic. The report comes courtesy of TheTycho, and apparently an insider at the country's CCTV has confirmed that Top Gear China has been given the go-ahead. Hosts have already been selected and filming is underway right now in Beijing. The show is supposed to be broadcast from the nation's capital, as well. If accurate, the newest addition to the Top Gear family will join the ranks of TG U.S., Australia and Russia as well as the genesis of all this mayhem, Top Gear UK.

With our own iteration of the show on shaky ground, some of us can't help but wonder why the BBC doesn't simply stick to making one very excellent version of the show and disseminate it to the rest of the globe instead of cranking out multiple watered-down iterations. Maybe it's easier to get local ad revenue. Still, we can't wait to see what Top Gear China is all about. There's no word on a set broadcast date as of yet.

[Source: TheTycho]

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