Nissan delivers 10 Leafs to Japan's Kanagawa Prefectural government

On December 11th, Nissan delivered its first Leaf to a buyer in the U.S., a short while before the automaker's confirmed Japanese launch date of December 20th. Well, Nissan kept its promise by dropping off ten Leafs to the Kanagawa Prefectural Government in Japan. Six of the battery-powered Nissans will see official duty, carting around some of the government's high-ranking employees. However, the four remaining Leafs will be available for rent to the general public through the prefecture's carsharing program.

Toshiyuki Shiga, Nissan's chief operating officer, described the significance of delivering Japan's first Leafs to Kanagawa:
We are pleased to deliver the first Nissan Leaf in Japan to Kanagawa Prefecture, which serves as a model local government supporting electric vehicle promotion in Japan. With our global headquarters, research and development and production bases within the prefecture, we strive to be an active member of the community and contribute as much as we can to Kanagawa.
The Nissan Leaf, with more than 6,000 orders recorded in Japan and 20,000 tallied in the U.S., is sold out for this fiscal year.

[Source: International Business Times]

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