Top Gear retires Chevrolet Lacetti, toning-down stunts

The times, they are a changin' for Top Gear. Everyone's favorite motoring show has undergone quite a few transformations over the years, and that doesn't look to stop with the next season. Viewers can expect to see a few sad but inevitable changes come to fruition, starting with the death of the Chevrolet Lacetti. For those of you who don't have an archive of creatively obtained episodes lurking about on your hard drive, the miserable little car had been the subject of abuse at the hands of a myriad of celebrities in the show's infamous "Star in a Reasonably Priced Car" segment.

We're not entirely sure what happened, though we have to imagine it had something to do with repeated missed shifts and the fact that the sedan spent more time in low orbit than actually lapping the show's track. Either way, it's off for good, and you can expect the guys to send it on its way in style.

Then there's word that Clarkson, Hammond and May will actually be toning down the stunts this season. While speaking with The Daily Telegraph, James May said that things had gotten a little out of hand over the past few seasons, and that the show would be working to return to basics somewhat. We have no idea what that means, but we're guessing there might be a few less helicopter chases in the cards. But there will be explosions. Lots and lots of explosions...

[Source: Top Gear, The Daily Telegraph]

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