The Oil Drum presents one vision of the oilpocalypse in the Gulf

BP and the US government haven't been as forthcoming with details about the company's oil spill as some of us would like. Lack of clear information often breeds speculation, and what follows is certainly speculation. That being said, those of us who write for ABG and you, our readers, often deal with absolutes: the most efficient battery design, the fastest charge time, the largest miles-per-gallon number. So we can't help but wonder, what is the absolute worst case scenario for the BP oil spill?

Over at The Oil Drum, one reader's vision of the worst case scenario has stirred up quite a commotion. The commenter, who doesn't clearly identify himself but builds a substantially more convincing case than you'd expect from a random blowhard, speculates that the oil well gushing on the floor of the Gulf of Mexico may, despite our best engineering efforts, only get worse, eventually reaching a point of no-return. The article needs a lot of editing and requires at least a little bit of knowledge about the Gulf situation as a starting point, but the gist is this:

All the actions and few tid bits of information all lead to one inescapable conclusion. The well pipes below the sea floor are broken and leaking. ... What does this mean? It means they will never cap the gusher after the wellhead. They cannot...the more they try and restrict the oil gushing out the [blow out preventer]?...the more it will transfer to the leaks below.

Right or wrong, sage or quack, the commenter proposes some interesting ideas, and some terrifying ones. It's a good read, and it could turn out to be a prophetic one. Check it out, and then we'd love to see your comments on it. Special thanks to ABG reader Chuck D. for sending this in.

[Souce: The Oil Drum | Image: IBRRC – C.C. 2.0]

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