Video: Canadian environmental group PSA urges you to relieve your car from idling

Green Calgary takes on unnecessary idling – Click above to watch the video after the jump

Flannel, Mounties, hockey, public urination – all these things that come to mind when we think of Canada. Okay, maybe not all of them. But the latter comes courtesy of a new spot developed by Joe Media Group for Green Calgary. The ad urges the city's drivers to stop all unnecessary idling as it's not doing the planet any favors. How do you turn that into a striking visual? By comparing it to taking a leak on Mother Earth.

We've never exactly drawn a link between relieving ourselves and sitting in traffic, but hey, we aren't exactly ad execs, either. One thing's for sure – we won't be able to look at our neighbors to the north in quite the same way ever again. Hit the jump to see the spot for yourself.

[Source: The Car Connection via YouTube]

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