Jonny Lieberman joins the Autoblog crew

If you've spent any amount of time reading car news and reviews on the Interwebs, you're undoubtedly familiar with Jonny Lieberman. He began his auto journo career writing for Portland's Too Much Coffee Man and later joined The Truth About Cars where his Audi RS4 review thrust him onto the main stage.

After meeting Jalopnik veteran Davey G. Johnson at LA's premier gutter club, Jumbo's Clown room, Lieberman hopped on board with Jalop, enjoyed a long run with our Car Culture-obsessed friends and then left for greener pastures at Edmunds Inside Line – for 4.5 days. He returned to Jalop and TTAC where he injected his patented blend of wry wit and blistering commentary, particularly in Jalop's Fantasy Garage series. Since then, he's written for 0-60, Speed Sport Life, Clunkbucket, Autofiends and WebRidesTV while playing the role of chief justice for the 24 Hours of LeMons.

We're thoroughly thrilled with Lieberman's induction into the Autoblog ranks, and we suspect his first review (due in 5... 4... 3...) is a sign of epically good things to come. Welcome aboard Jonny!

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