Evonik-Daimler Li-Ion battery JV to build factory this fall, applications in 2012

Mercedes-Benz concept BlueZero - Click above for high-res image gallery

The next stage of Daimler's efforts to electrify road vehicles will start moving ahead this fall when construction begins on a new battery plant. The plant will be part of the joint venture announced last fall between Daimler and Evonik to develop and produce advanced lithium ion batteries. The first factory for German Accumotive will be located in Kamenz, northeast of Dresden. Production at the new facility will start in early 2011 with the first production applications in Mercedes cars beginning a year later. Evonik isn't saying what the production capacity will be other than it will be ramped up in parallel with electric vehicle production.

The venture will produce battery systems using large format prismatic cells like most other automotive applications. Although Tesla Motors isn't mentioned in the press release, the company may be involved in the development of the battery management systems for these packs.

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[Source: Evonik]


Location decision: Daimler and Evonik produce lithium-ion batteries in the Saxon Kamenz

Kamenz / Stuttgart / Essen, Germany, 06.07.2009

* German Accumotive GmbH & Co. KG will start production from 2011
* Projected construction of the factory: Autumn 2009
* Advanced battery systems in series from 2012 models of Mercedes-Benz Cars

Kamenz / Stuttgart / Essen: Daimler and Evonik launch the next stage of their strategic alliance for the electrification of the car: The German Accumotive GmbH & Co. KG, a joint venture of Daimler AG and Evonik Industries AG, is now in Kamenz, Saxony, batteries and battery systems based on lithium-ion technology to produce. Construction for the new production facility is planned for autumn 2009. The production will begin in early 2011, from 2012 will be the first lithium-ion battery systems in vehicles by Mercedes-Benz Cars offered.

The fundamental decision of the German Accumotive for Kamenz follows as a production facility in the coming days to sign the land sale with the city administration. In the German Kamenz Accumotive an approximately three-acre site in the industrial park on a mountain ox purchase.

With the production of lithium-ion battery systems at the site begins Kamenz Accumotive German, the key technology for the electrification of the car to industrialize. The capacity is available there was primarily on the needs of Daimler AG, specifically the company's Mercedes-Benz Cars, concentrated. In future, the sale of batteries to a third party planned.

The German Accumotive is a joint venture of Daimler AG and Evonik Industries AG, with a focus on system integration, development and production, research and marketing of battery systems based on lithium-ion technology. At this joint venture Daimler AG hold 90 percent and 10 percent of Evonik Industries. Company headquarters and research and development site of the German Accumotive is Nabern in Baden-Württemberg. In Kamenz be around 60 jobs in production and management will be created. The capacity of the production site will be phased in relation to the future generations of products expanded.

The future of the German production site in Kamenz Accumotive will be in close proximity to the Li-Tec Battery GmbH. This applies with the company's flat-cell technology and ceramic separators as one of the global technology leader in the development and manufacture of battery cells for lithium-ion batteries. The Li-Tec Battery Ltd. is another joint venture between Daimler and Evonik.

Further information is available on the Internet: www.media.daimler.com and www.evonik.de

This document contains forward-looking statements on our current assessment of future operations. Words such as "anticipate," "assume," "believe," "estimate," "expect," "intend," "may / might," "plan," "project," "should" and similar expressions identify forward-looking statements . These statements are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties. Some examples of this occurring are not improving or a further tightening of the global economic situation, a continuation or further aggravation of the turmoil in the credit and financial markets, the continued high cost of raising capital or to a limitation of our financing options could lead to changes in exchange rates and interest rates, the introduction of consumption-effective products by competitors, and a possible loss of acceptance of our products or services, making our way of reasonable utilization of our production capacities as well as our way of price increases could be limited, price increases for fuel, raw materials and precious metals, interruptions of production, based on material shortages, employee strikes or supplier insolvencies are based, a further decline in resale prices of used vehicles, the successful implementation of cost reduction and efficiency improvement programs in all our business areas, including the successful repositioning of our commercial vehicle business in the NAFTA region, the business prospects of the societies in which we hold a stake, in particular EADS, the changes in laws, regulations and administrative directives, particularly those with vehicle emissions, fuel economy and safety, and the termination of ongoing governmental investigations and the outcome of pending or threatened future legal proceedings and other risks and uncertainties some of which are in the current Annual Report of Daimler under the heading "Risk Report" and under the headings "Risk Factors" and "Legal Proceedings" in the current Annual Report of Daimler after "Form 20-F" are described, at the U.S. Securities Exchange Commission was filed. If any of these uncertainty factors or uncertainties materialize or should the forward-looking statements underlying assumptions prove incorrect, could cause actual results to differ materially from these statements or implicitly referred to the expressed statements. We have neither the intention nor are we obliged, forward-looking statement to update only as of the circumstances on the day of its publication.
About Evonik

Evonik Industries is the creative industrial group from Germany with the business fields of chemistry, energy and real estate. Evonik is a global leader in specialty chemicals, an expert in power generation from hard coal and renewable energies, and one of the biggest private housing companies in Germany. Creativity, specialization, continuous self-renewal, and reliability are our strengths. Evonik is active in more than 100 countries around the world. About 43,000 employees generated in fiscal year 2007 sales of approximately 14.4 billion euros and an operating profit EBITDA of over 2.2 billion euros.

original German press release

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Aktuelle Pressemitteilungen
Standortentscheidung: Daimler und Evonik fertigen Lithium-Ionen Batterien im sächsischen Kamenz

Kamenz/Stuttgart/Essen, Deutschland, 06.07.2009

* Deutsche Accumotive GmbH & Co. KG startet Produktion ab 2011
* Geplanter Baubeginn der Fabrik: Herbst 2009
* Neuartige Batteriesysteme ab 2012 in Serien-Modellen von Mercedes-Benz Cars

Kamenz/Stuttgart/Essen: Daimler und Evonik starten die nächste Stufe ihrer strategischen Allianz zur Elektrifizierung des Autos: Die Deutsche Accumotive GmbH & Co. KG, ein Joint-Venture der Daimler AG und der Evonik Industries AG, wird künftig in Kamenz, Sachsen, Batterien und Batteriesysteme auf Basis der Lithium-Ionen-Technologie produzieren. Der Baubeginn für die neue Produktionsstätte ist für Herbst 2009 geplant. Die Produktion soll Anfang 2011 beginnen, ab 2012 werden dann die ersten Lithium-Ionen Batteriesysteme in Fahrzeugen von Mercedes-Benz Cars angeboten.

Der grundsätzlichen Standortentscheidung der Deutschen Accumotive für Kamenz als Produktionsstätte folgt in den nächsten Tagen die Unterzeichnung des Grundstückskaufvertrags mit der Stadtverwaltung. In Kamenz wird die Deutsche Accumotive damit ein etwa drei Hektar großes Gelände im Gewerbegebiet am Ochsenberg erwerben.

Mit der Fertigung von Lithium-Ionen-Batteriesystemen am Standort Kamenz beginnt die Deutsche Accumotive, die Schlüsseltechnologie für die Elektrifizierung des Autos zu industrialisieren. Die dort verfügbaren Kapazitäten sind zunächst primär auf den Bedarf der Daimler AG, speziell die des Unternehmensbereichs Mercedes-Benz Cars, konzentriert. Zukünftig ist auch der Verkauf der Batterien an Dritte geplant.

Die Deutsche Accumotive ist ein Joint-Venture der Daimler AG und der Evonik Industries AG mit dem Fokus auf der Systemintegration, Entwicklung und Produktion sowie Forschung und Vertrieb von Batteriesystemen auf Basis der Lithium-Ionen-Technologie. An diesem Joint-Venture halten die Daimler AG 90 Prozent und Evonik Industries 10 Prozent. Gesellschaftssitz sowie Forschungs- und Entwicklungsstandort der Deutschen Accumotive ist Nabern in Baden-Württemberg. In Kamenz sollen rund 60 Arbeitsplätze in Produktion und Verwaltung geschaffen werden. Die Kapazität des Produktionsstandortes wird stufenweise in Abhängigkeit der zukünftigen Produktgenerationen erweitert.

Die künftige Produktionsstätte der Deutschen Accumotive in Kamenz wird sich in direkter Nachbarschaft zu der Li-Tec Battery GmbH befinden. Diese gilt mit der unternehmenseigenen Flachzellen- Technologie und keramischen Separatoren als einer der weltweiten Technologieführer bei der Entwicklung und Herstellung von Batteriezellen für Lithium-Ionen-Batterien. Die Li-Tec Battery GmbH ist ein weiteres Gemeinschaftsunternehmen von Daimler und Evonik.

Weitere Informationen sind im Internet verfügbar: www.media.daimler.com und www.evonik.de

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Über Evonik

Evonik Industries ist der kreative Industriekonzern aus Deutschland mit den Geschäftsfeldern Chemie, Energie und Immobilien. Evonik ist eines der weltweit führenden Unternehmen in der Spezialchemie, Experte für Stromerzeugung aus Steinkohle und erneuerbaren Energien sowie eine der größten privaten Wohnungsgesellschaften in Deutschland. Kreativität, Spezialistentum, kontinuierliche Selbsterneuerung und Verlässlichkeit sind unsere Stärken. Evonik ist in mehr als 100 Ländern der Welt aktiv. Rund 43.000 Mitarbeiter erwirtschafteten im Geschäftsjahr 2007 einen Umsatz von rund 14,4 Milliarden Euro und ein operatives Ergebnis EBITDA von über 2,2 Milliarden Euro.

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