POLL: Would you buy a car from a company in bankruptcy?

In recent weeks, the idea that one or all three of Detroit's automakers could end up filing for chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in the coming weeks or months has gained a lot of momentum. In theory, the advantage of chapter 11 is that it provides protection from creditors while the company is reorganized in a way that it can survive. The company is allowed to continue operating in this mode, thus avoiding a complete shutdown. A number of major airlines have done this and managed to keep operating, although some have ultimately failed anyway. There is a big difference between a plane ticket and a car. With an airline, you buy your ticket, take your flight and then (hopefully) walk away. After the flight, there is no expectation of ongoing service and support. A car is a much larger purchase and expected to operate for 10-15 years. Warranty service is demanded during that time, and spare parts need to be available on an ongoing basis. Given the long-term requirements of a car, a chapter 11 filing could be a death sentence for a manufacturer as customers look elsewhere. So the question we ask you is, "Would you buy a car from a company in bankruptcy?"

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