Paris Preview: more information about the Nissan Nuvu, no pics yet

Nissan is slowly giving up details about the Nuvu, an all-EV concept that will be unveiled at the Paris Motor Show. According to the Japanese marque, it's a "new vision" about the type of cars we'll be driving during the mid 2010s. It's a small vehicle, only 3 meters (about 10ft) long and can seat 2+1 passengers (the +1 is an additional folding seat). The Nuvu is an all-electric model and, although it's not the model that will be on sale in 2010, it showcases new technologies that will be used for the future production model. No specifications about range or power were given, but Nissan tells us that it's got a 1.98-meter wheelbase (6.5 ft), it's 1.70 meters high (5ft 7in) and 1.55 meters (5ft 1in) wide. The Nuvu also incorporates solar panels in the shape of a branch and leaves on the car's roof to feed some juice to the car's battery. Nissan also said that the car uses natural, organic and recycled materials to create an "airy and roomy" interior. If produced, this sounds like a competitor for the Smart and the Toyota IQ, for sure.
[Source: Nissan]

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