IRC: lightweight cars = higher injury claim costs

The Insurance Research Council (IRC) has published a report that comes out against small cars. It shows that the average auto injury claim payment in accidents involving lighter-weight vehicles was 14.3 percent greater than the average payment in accidents involving heavy vehicles. What does this mean? That the quest to find lighter, more fuel-efficient vehicles might result in more expensive insurance costs. So, when gas gets more expensive, we'll demand lighter cars that burn less fuel but they will be lighter and the insurance will cost more.

IRC's calculation method took into consideration 9,140 personal injury protection (PIP) claims closed in 2007. The cars in these incidents were divided into four weight groups. The IRC found that claims from the lightest group were 14.3 percent more expensive than from the heaviest vehicles. They also found that while 38 percent of the lightweight cars could resume commuting to work after the accident, 46 percent of the heavyweight vehicles were able to continue driving. Not only that, IRC's study says that driving a lighter vehicle made you 12 percent more likely to require hospitalization in case of an accident.

[Source: IRC]

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