Visualize a green world and win a limited edition Brammo Enertia

If you have a fondness for super sweet electric motorcycles, are creative with a computer and harbor your own vision of what a green world looks like, then perhaps you should submit an entry into the "Creativity for a Greener World" contest being held by BOXX Technologies and sponsored by AMD. To celebrate their 10th year at SIGGRAPH 2008, the Austin-based designer and manufacturer of high-performance workstations and render nodes for digital content want you to send them a 2D, 3D or animation that represents your vision of a greener world so they can give their favorite entry a very cool limited edition Brammo Enertia electric motorcycle. A prototype of the bike will be on display at their SIGGRAPH 2008 booth this week if you're in that area and want to check it out. The winner will receive one at the very first bikes off the line once production kicks off. If this sounds like opportunity knocking to you, hurry because the contest ends on the 22nd of this month.

So what does digital art, BOXX or AMD have to do with the Brammo Enertia? The lithium-powered two-wheeler was designed using an APPEXX 4 super workstation powered by four Quad-core AMD Opteron processors and stands as an example of what can be achieved through technology to create a greener world. The zero-emissions bike is capable of more than 50 mph and has a range of about 40 miles. If you don't have the time to get creative and win one, you can always get one the old-fashioned way and buy it. You can get the aluminum-framed Enertia Standard with injection molded plastic body panels and fenders and vinyl seat for $11,995 or go whole hog, so to speak, and get one of 99 serialized Enertia Carbon Limited models with carbon fiber body panels and fenders and a stylish leather seat for $14,995. If you decide to have a go at winning one, we wish you good luck!

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[Source: BOXX Technologies]

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