Vanpool usage rises with gas prices

As high fuel prices make it more expensive for people to run their cars, services that specialize in replacing those cars, full-time or part-time, are seeing their businesses grow along with the pump price. Earlier, we told you about Zipcar's improved performance of late, and now we can tell you that at least one Vanpool service is also reaping the benefits of a public fed up with expensive gas. VPSI, Inc. of Troy, MI runs vanpools in the U.S. and the Netherlands and told the Detroit Free Press that it's on pace to add 1,100 new vans to its fleet before this year is out. That fleet is already 15% larger than it was at this time last year, and there's no sign of things slowing down, as people look for ways to save a few bucks on their daily commute. Customers pay, on average, around $100/month plus gas to participate in one of VPSI's pools. The company certainly has staying power. It was formed after the 1970s oil crunch and has stayed afloat ever since, surviving a few ownership changes along the way. Once again, people are changing their habits in response to oil prices, and VPSI's ready to give them a ride, just as it has been for the last 30 years or so.

[Source: Freep]

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