85-cent E85 coming to Massachusetts on Thursday

Here in the Northeast, you're more likely to spot the Loch Ness monster in your neighbor's kiddie pool than you are to find a fuel pump that dispenses E85 Ethanol, a situation that always makes me chuckle at the various "FLEXFUEL" badges I increasingly see on area vehicles. Well, as of this Thursday, June 26, people in Massachusetts will actually be able to fill their tanks with the biofuel at the first public E85 pump in the state. And for 85 minutes, they'll be able to do so for 85 cents a gallon after the grand opening ceremonies at the Burke Oil station in Chelsea, MA. General Motors, purveyors of flex-fuel vehicles that in most cases rarely see a drop of the stuff, is sponsoring (we assume that means "paying for") the 85-cent promotion, after which the price will go back up to its normal rate of $2.85/gallon. Nowadays, that doesn't sound so bad at all. All the specifics can be found in the press release after the jump.
[Source: National Ethanol Vehicle Coalition]

First E85 Station in MA to Hold Grand Opening

Jefferson City, MO - E85 will sell for 85 cents per gallon for 85 minutes celebrating the opening of the first publicly accessed E85 fueling location in the state of Massachusetts. Dennis K. Burke, Inc. plans to hold a grand opening celebration on Thursday, June 26 at their new biofuels center at 410 Beacham St. in Chelsea.

"We're very excited about the grand opening on Thursday. We are currently competively pricing the product at $2.85 per gallon," said Dennis K. Burke, Inc.'s Chairman of the Board, Ed Burke. "Thanks to Irving Oil, Chelsea Fire, State Fire Marshal and Gov. Patrick's administration, E85 is now available in Massachusetts."

Thursday's ribbon cutting will begin at 10:30 a.m. and will be hosted by Ed Burke and the company President, Ted Burke. Chelsea City Manager Jay Ash will emcee the event. Several state and local officials, as well as "green" industry friends are expected to attend. The E85 promotion, sponsored by General Motors, will begin following the ribbon cutting.

"We are excited about the introduction of this environmentally friendly fuel to Massachusetts, and are extremely proud of our role at Dennis K. Burke, Inc. in making this fuel available," said Ted Burke.

Burke is one of New England's largest suppliers of diesel fuel, gasoline and motor oil products. The family-owned business has over 45 years of reliable service. They will also offer biodiesel at the Chelsea fueling facility, the first in the state.

For a complete listing of E85 stations, visit www.E85Refueling.com.

Burke Oil is a member of the NEVC.

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