VIDEO: An Inconvenient Truth - The Opera?

Former Vice President Al Gore has become a star of the stage and screen in recent years with his Keynote presentation and movie An Inconvenient Truth. Now following in the path The Producers and The Lion King, the tale is being blended with music in An Inconvenient Truth: The Opera. Thanks to our friends at Australian TV show The Mansion, we can now get a sneak peak at this remarkable new production. From the preview, it appears that in preparing the original stage show, Mr. Gore encountered the inconvenient truth of Microsoft Office's Mr. Clippy before making the switch to Keynote. If tenor polar bears singing about loosing their families on melting ice can't pull tears from you, you clearly have no heart. Check out the video after the jump.

The video meant to be presented here is no longer available. Sorry for the inconvenience.

[Source: YouTube, thanks to Dan for the tip!]

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