FuelFrog tracks your gas consumption, Twitters

If you're a little obsessive compulsive about keeping track of your fuel consumption but keep losing all those little paper receipts, FuelFrog is the Internet 2.0 solution for you. Just hop on over to their site, give yourself a name and a password and you're ready to go. We gave it a quick test drive and came away impressed by the cute logo clean interface and usability. After entering the miles since our last fill-up, price and number of gallons and the date of that wallet bruising, well, nothing. But after the second entry of that data a chart begins to be constructed and mileage patterns officially begin to be tracked. Right now, we can only see our mileage on the chart but we noticed an input space for the make and model of our car so we expect that we may be able to make aggregate comparisons with other users of the same vehicles.

So, you like this tracking idea but you don't bring the internets with you to the gas station? No problem. FuelFrog is now hooked up with Twitter so you can send the info straight from the pumps via your phone and Twitter account. We signed up for that as well and it was also pretty easy. Now we can not only keep track of our mileage but also what the whole Twittering world is doing.

[Source: FuelFrog]

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