Pics Aplenty: The Spada Codatronca is the rich man's Batmobile

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Bruce Wayne's loaded, so this really is a perfect fit. The Spada Codatronca made its formal debut at Top Marques in Monaco, which is appropriate since the principality's wealthy residents are the type of clientele SpadaVettureSport will surely be courting when the coachbuilt supercar goes into production. The first flavor to arrive will be the 600-horsepower TS, which will also be available with a flex-fuel mod that allows the car to run on E85. SVS notes that the car will comply with FIA GT1 regulations, too -- can you imagine how wicked a race-prepped version would look?

From the photos, the TS Codatronca looks to be exceedingly well turned-out, especially inside where specialty rides like this can quickly devolve into kit-cardom (see the cabin of the Weber "faster one" sports car for an example). SVS has partnered with a laundry list of big names like Alcantara, Sparco, Aznom, Pirelli, and O.Z. Racing, who will supply various parts for the stealthy-looking sports car. Hopefully, they have someone lined up to furnish these, too. You know... to talk to Commissioner Gordon.

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[Source: SpadaVettureSport via Autoblog Spanish]

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