NYC hybrid taxis double in a year. Guess which is the most popular?

Since it was decided that the entire fleet of taxis in New York City should become hybrids by 2012 less than a year ago, the number of hybrid hacks has doubled. If the city can achieve that same 200 percent increase every year it will achieve the goal. Out of 13,150 taxi medallions 1020 (just under 8 percent) of them are hybrids today, according to this article at YellowCabNYC. Way to go, New York!

We know you were wondering which hybrid leads the pack so we have the skinny on that too. Drum roll please. The number one vehicle choice of taxi buyers in the Big Apple was the Ford Escape hybrid (pictured above) a with whopping 845 units out there pounding the pavement. Yeah, we are pretty sure Ford is happy about that too. To see how the rest of the field breaks down, hit the jump.

Breakdown of hybrids in the NYC taxi fleet is as follows.
  1. Ford Escape 845
  2. Toyota Highlander 92
  3. Toyota Camry 31
  4. Nissan Altima 23
  5. Toyota Prius 18
  6. Mercury Mariner 6
  7. Lexus RX 400h 3
  8. Honda Civic 1
[Source: YellowCabNYC]

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