The Uragano handbuilt Italian supercar

Click above for gallery of the Uragano handbuilt supercar

Who doesn't dream of building his or her own supercar? It took four years for him to do it, but Filandri Moreno from Italy has inspirational neighbors such as Ferrari, Lamborghini and Pagani. Moreno possibly thought of famed supercar blowhards like Enzo and Ferrucio when naming his car the Uragano, which means 'Hurricane' in Italian, but blowing through 48 months is easy when you've got to design and fabricate a body and frame then populate it with the proper automotive subsystems. Rather than figure out how to set up a backyard foundry, Moreno borrowed an 4.2 liter bent eight from an Audi A8 for motivation and hung a large turbocharger off the rear for good measure. It's tough to say anything critical when someone's realized a goal that most of us will never achieve, but we're honestly underwhelmed by the look and quality of the Uragano's body fabrication. Not that we'd do much better than a lumpy C5 Corvette-looking thing that appears rendered in papier mache. Thanks for the tip, Trent!

[Source: PopSci]

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