Beijing 208: Geely Tiger GT concept steals the show

Click above for high-res gallery of the Geely Tiger GT concept

Of all the cars being debuted at this year's Auto China show in Beijing, most of them are from one company: Chinese domestic automaker Geely. The brand has over 20 some debuts, but most are ho-hum little econoboxes that Chinese consumers are buying by the ton right now. The Tiger GT concept, however, is one vehicle from Geely that's getting a lot of attention for a different reason. It's an all-Chinese design concept, and as you can clearly see, looks like nothing else on the road. Whether or not that's a good or bad thing is up to you, but Geely makes no apologizes for new coupe concept that takes its basic shape from the Italian school of design and adds some unmistakable Chinese touches. As described by our blogging buddies at Autoblog Chinese, "the front is extremely arrogant." Indeed. They liken the grille to a Chinese mask and we wouldn't be surprised to find a sword rack hanging in the back window.

The Tiger GT is reportedly powered by a 3.5L V6 producing 225 horsepower and 340 pound-feet of torque. Riding on 19-inch concept wheels, the concept's motor would appear to have a hard time backing up the shear loudness of the coupe's design. It's got chrome fangs, for Pete's sake. Love it or hate it, the Geely Tiger GT concept is at least original, and as our colleagues in China tell us, that alone is worthy of applause.

Check out our full high-res gallery of the Geely Tiger GT below and let us know what you think in the comments.

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[Source: Autoblog Chinese, Straightline Blog]

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