Video: Lindsay Campbell asks Hummer owner what the hell he was thinking...?

On an episode of her Mob Logic.TV called "Hybrid Hullabaloo" the lovely Lindsay Campbell (pictured right) had the opportunity to ask an owner of the iconic super-sized Tonka toy something she has been wanting to ask for a long time.
While interviewing random people in the parking lot of a "big box" store about hybrids and why they aren't driving them, she spots a man returning to his king-sized ride and runs to confront him. With mic in hand and cameraman in tow she starts, "Tell me seriously, I've always wanted to talk with a Hummer owner and find out what the hell you were thinking when you bought this car" Find out his reaction after the jump.

The video meant to be presented here is no longer available. Sorry for the inconvenience.

[Source: MobLogic.TV]

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