Matthew McConaughey may star in Magnum P.I. movie

We love talking about car-related movies here at Autoblog, so it's no surprise that we're actually interested in the silver screen conversion of the '80s TV show Magnum P.I. in which an ex-Navy seal turned private eye keeps the Hawaiian islands safe from cheesy bad guys while driving an iconic Ferrari 308 GTS with gusto. The lead character in the TV series, Thomas Magnum, was played by Tom Selleck who wore Hawaiian shirts and what our colleagues at Cinematical call "big, porn mustaches" on the show.

The idea for making a Magnum P.I. movie has been around since 2006, but for some reason Hollywood has resisted the temptation until now. A script is now floating around penned by Rawson Thurber of Dodgeball fame (good sign, eh?), and as we speak Matthew McConaughey is rumored to be reading the script. Don't even think about it Matt, just do it. We bet they'll let you keep that Hawaiian shirt unbuttoned the entire time to show off your prosthetic chest hair.

Other actors who have been mentioned for the role include Ben Affleck, George Clooney and Vince Vaughn, while the original Magnum, Mr. Selleck, has called the movie "stupid" and vowed to take no part in it. It appears Selleck does not subscribe to the David Hasselhoff Theory of Celebrity Comebacks, in which one never lets an old role die. Thanks for the tip, John!

[Source: Cinematical]

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