Toyota may build individual brand around the Prius

Automotive News sat down with Kazuo Okamoto, Toyota's executive vice president of R&D, in Geneva to discuss the Prius and the automaker's future hybrid offerings. While the interview was short on details, when AN asked whether or not the Prius could spawn its own brand based on the popularity of the hybrid sedan, Okamoto responded in the typical parsed words of an exec talking to a reporter. "We are studying that, but I can't say what stage of the study we are in." Okamoto went on to say that utilizing the Prius' platform for other body styles – including a coupe, sedan or wagon – "is possible." Okamoto remained silent on anything of real substance, but his few comments confirmed what's been assumed for some time: Toyota is looking to capitalize on the sales success of the Prius and the green identity it's forged since its introduction.
[Source: Automotive News – Sub. Req.]

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