Oil at $200 a barrel a distinct possibility if anything bad happens

Photo by ^riza^. Licensed under Creative Commons license 2.0.

Now that we've all had a few months to get accustomed to crude oil prices hanging at $100 per barrel pretty steadily it's time to look ahead. The very real possibility of oil at $200 a barrel could be upon us if any unforeseen disruptions to the flow of oil occur, such as a terrorist attack, natural disaster or just some kind of mechanical failure or accident. The oil watchers at Goldman Sachs have boosted their projections for the minimum price of oil as well as the expected range over the next four years. Goldman's previous outlook called for a range or $50-105 per barrel. They now don't expect it to drop below $60 and the high end - if everything keeps rolling along without any shocks to the system - is up to $135. With little growth in supplies, if anything bad happens, all bets are off.

[Source: MarketWatch]

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