VIDEO: 4 Eva with its hit new single "Suzuki with Shocks"

Click above to view video of "A Suzuki with Shocks"

Most automakers are desperately trying to appeal to the all important 18- to 25-year-old male demographic, that group of consumers who thinks cooking should be no more complicated than a Hot Pocket and watch Saturday Night Live without the historical comedic context of Jim John Belushi, Dan Akroyd, Chevy Chase and Bill Murray. A Suzuki dealership in Evansville, IN has the answer for its parent brand's marketing dept. What appear to be two very bored car salesman who both bear an uncanny resemblance to Joey Fatone formed a faux boy band dubbed 4 Eva and shot a video for their single "Suzuki with Shocks". The song is a parody of a ditty from the modern SNL crew performed by Andy Samberg and Justin Timberlake last year called "BLEEP in a Box". You can fill in the blank, but be careful 'cause that link's very NSFW. So Evansville Suzuki is spoofing a song that spoofs boy bands to sell cars; that's so post modern it makes our heads hurt. But the spoof-once-removed is funny, albeit a bit creepy. Check out the video that's sure to be climbing the TRL charts after the jump.

[Source: Evansville Suzuki]

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