Tesla wants the "Big Three" to make its 3rd car

The Tesla Roadster has arrived and the company's Whitestar follow-up project is under development, but Tesla's looking for a little help with its third car, and it's reportedly turned its eye toward Motown. On Wednesday, Tesla president Darryl Siry told Greentech Media at Piper Jaffray's Clean Technology and Renewables Conference in New York City that the third vehicle from carmaker -- expected to be a compact sports car costing $30,000 to $35,000 -- will be "high volume" and that the company wants partnerships with Detroit's "Big Three" American automakers for its production.
Another bit of Tesla news is that the amount the company is looking for a $75m to $100m investment from a "large Series E" equity fund this summer, and it was also confirmed that Tesla recently got a $40m investment through a bridge loan.

Hmmm. Does this Big 3 talk mean Tesla is trying to sell itself? Siry says "[being purchased] is not our desired outcome."

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[Source: Greentech Media]

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