Live action Akira movie coming, DiCaprio and Otomo signed on to produce

Amidst all the great animes we've been exposed to, Akira stands out. Set in post-apocalyptic Tokyo, the neo-classic featured everything we've come to expect from Japan's animation wizards: stunning artwork, imaginative plot lines and absolutely killer conveyances – particularly the bikes which easily put Tron to shame.

Word is that Warner Bros. has signed a deal to create two live-action movies based on the six-volume graphic novel, with Leonardo DiCaprio helping to produce the films and Akira's creator, Katsuhior Otomo, being on hand as the executive producer. The first of the two films is expected to come to the big screen in the summer of 2009 and we have little doubt that it has the potential of blowing Speed Racer out of the water.

[Source: Variety via Winding Road]

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