Pose your questions about cellulosic ethanol to a Coskata executive


GM will be holding another in their series of on-line chats this week on the GMnext.com site. This time around they will have Wes Bolsen, VP of Coskata available to answer questions from participants. Coskata is the company that has developed a process for producing cellulosic ethanol at much lower cost and with a lot less water than it takes to make corn ethanol. In early January, GM announced that they had invested in Coskata. Our own Sebastian Blanco had a chat with Bolsen earlier this month at the Chicago Auto Show. To participate in the chat you'll need to register which you can do in advance by going to the GMnext.com site and clicking on Sign In. The live chat will take place Thursday Feb. 21 from 1-2pm EST.

[Source: General Motors]

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