Top Gear coming to iTunes?

Since a few of us are iPhone-equipped (and occasionally Mac-obsessive), we like to follow what's going on in the Reality Distortion Field cast by Apple co-founder Steve Jobs. A story over at iPhoneAlley caught our attention, which reports that Apple might be releasing episodes of "American Idol" through iTunes and that BBC content might be on the way.
While we couldn't care less about Simon Cowell and his band of talentless talented crooners, our interest is piqued that BBC Worldwide might start distributing some of its shows through Apple's megalithic content delivery service. Does that mean Top Gear could be coming to a desktop, iPod or iPhone near you (through less nefarious means)? It's certainly a possibility if the deal is announced tomorrow, but there's no confirmation about whether or not the BBC will sell its wonderful wares here in the States.

[Source: iPhoneAlley]

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