Satellite radio: Looking for a few good customers, anybody?

Apparently, the idea of paying for radio chatter doesn't hold much appeal to customers who actually have to shell out hard earned cash. While many new cars today come equipped with stereos that are capable of receiving either XM or Sirius, fewer people than ever are buying standalone receivers. In December, retail sales of satellite receivers were down 37.5% (36% for Sirius and 41% for XM) compared to 2006.
This might in part be due to the fact that without an external antenna that has line of sight to the satellite, the radio usually doesn't work indoors. There's also the quality of what you hear on the stations. Unless you have a compelling need to hear Howard Stern unfiltered, most of the rest doesn't sound much different than what you can hear on terrestrial radio. At this rate, XM and Sirius better hope their merger is completed soon before they both run out of cash or customers.

[Source: OrbitCast]

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