Meet the duraCar Innovan, an EV van from the Netherlands

If you thought that the Dutch only were known in the auto industry because of their cool DAF cars from the '60s, (which, by the way, had a very clever CVT system), they're out to prove you wrong. The Netherlands has a manufacturer that has a very interesting EV that looks to be ready in April. It's called the duraCar Innovan, and it's made from light recyclable fiber.

The van is aimed at companies who need to make local deliveries, but performance is quite decent and far superior to any of the available quadricycles in Europe (or NEVs in the US). Although the Innovan runs on electricity, it's estimated that its fuel-equivalent consumption is 1 liter per 50 km (about 118 mpg), with CO2 emissions under 30 g/km. Driving range is claimed to be 150 km (90 miles) thanks to the vehicle's low weight, and driving cost is very low: the electricity bill will only cost you from 150 to 200 EUR every 10,000 km (that's 220 to 295 dollars for 6,200 miles, or 3.5-4.7 cents a mile).

There's a couple of videos from the presentation after the jump. They're in Dutch, but the van looks great to me. Don't miss the electrically-operated back doors.

[And kudos to Lascelles for the find]

Part 1

The video meant to be presented here is no longer available. Sorry for the inconvenience.

The video meant to be presented here is no longer available. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Part 2

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