Redesigned Nissan Maxima coming to New York Auto Show

We've been wondering where Nissan was going to fit in on the docket of next week's Detroit Auto Show (NAIAS), but InsideLine confirmed our suspicions – they won't be having a press conference at all. Instead, the Forum concept will be set on stage and Nissan will turn its attention to the New York Auto Show in March. There, Nissan plans to take the wraps of the redesigned Maxima that's destined to go on sale later this year.

Darryl Harrison, Nissan's North American spokesperson, told InsideLine that the Maxima will be "all new" but he didn't go into details about what changes would be made. He also said that a "couple of other things" would be on display in the Big Apple and that Nissan's presence at the Chicago Auto Show would be minimal.

[Source: Inside Line]

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